The Paint Out That Went Solo - Larry Lerew
"Wild Carrot Behind My
en Plein Air
12" x 16"
12" x 16"
Planned a paint out today but the weather was not good this morning so I encouraged the SVPAP painters to visit another time. By 11 a.m. it was still overcast and everything was still wet from yesterday but I wanted to paint outside so I did. I tried some new tricks for a very "Green, Cloudy, Wet Day". I threw out the "Local Color" and tried to paint this painting without mixing green. I also had fun working the entire painting with one 3/4" wide brush except for a few calligraphy lines and my signature. The wet day kept the normally fast drying paint wet which was a challenge and made it hard to over paint layers and get drybrush effects. I took a lunch break and when I came back it had dried a little and I added final touches. By the way my uncle calls "Queen Ann's Lace" by an old country name "Wild Carrots" and he can't understand why I would want to paint "Weeds".
I love to see how artists put compliments next to each other on the canvas. This is very nice.