Friday, April 27, 2012 Windy Day At Samual Lewis State Park by Larry Lerew

I usually make a quick 60 second thumbnail sketch just to find the basic shapes and see what I am dealing with. I start thinking "Simplify" and look at what to leave in and what to leave out. I know this doesn't look like much of a sketch but this little short hand sketch helps me compose.

This is the best I could do on site. I laid in the basic shapes but brush control was crazy. I like happy accidents but this was wild. Bill said lets keep at it and stay a little longer maybe the "elements" would calm down.

This beautiful vista was right in front of us but so hard to capture.
Photo taken for reference to complete painting in studio.

Title: "Columbia View From Sam Lewis State Park"
Size: 8" x 16"
Location: en Plein Air Samual Lewis State Park, Wrightsville, PA
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Panel
Artist: Larry Lerew

We had a great time but boy was it windy. Bill Andrew and I painted from the top of Samual Lewis State Park and both had to run after flying watercolor paper and I had my canvas blow off the easel twice. It was hard to pull a straight line with a brush since the wind would actually move my arm. After an hour and a half we gave in and packed up but first I took a photo for reference back in my studio. I really liked this composition and wanted to complete this painting on site but it was impossible that day and the next trip to this park could be weeks or months away.

To see more of my art check out my website:


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